+233 302 924 326, +233 559 753605 GD-161-3472, Accra, Ghana


  1. Go to top right of homepage and click” Register Menu”
  2. Select “Emplyer” Button
  3. fill the form (Username: joseph11, Email: somthing@gmail.com, Password: Q$Qh98*p06)
  4. Click “Register” button
  5. Go to your email check your inbox and spam and click on confirmation email that will be sent to confirm or activate your account
  1. Go to top right of homepage and click” Register Menu”
  2. Select “Candidate” Button
  3. fill the form (Username: joseph11, Email: somthing@gmail.com, Password: Q$Qh98*p06)
  4. Click “Register” button
  5. Go to your email check your inbox and spam and click on confirmation email that will be sent to confirm or activate your account
  1. Find the job you want to apply for
  2. Open the Job
  3. Find the “contact form” at the right side of the job page
  4. Fill the form
  5. Click “Send Now” Button

    Hope this tutorial was helpful.  If you still have issue, please contact support at help@platorecruit.com

  1. Go to “Job” Menu
  2. Find and go to “Job Alert” Menu
  3. Fill the form according to jobs type you want to receive Alerts for
  4. Click “Register Button”

We assume you have registered and created an Employer Account already.

  1. Go to top right of homepage and find “Login”
  2. Click “Login” and enter your “username” and “Password” to login to your account dashboard
  3. Find “Post a Job” button at the top right or “ADD NEW JOB” at the left menu and click
  4. Fill the job listing form
  5. Live blank any form field that is not applicable to your job listing
  6. Click ” Save & Preview” button
  7. Now click ” Edit” to make changes or Click “Publish” to publish your job listing.


    Overview:  Replace with your own text

    What You Will Do: Replace with your own text

    What we can offer you: Replace with your own text

    Hope this tutorial was helpful.  If you still have issue, please contact support at help@platorecruit.com